The Ansoff Model: Four Main Growth Strategy To Boost Your Business
Who doesn’t want to grow their company? Whether it is because of personal ambition or because an opportunity has presented itself in front of you, one has to invest in their respective business to increase their turnover.
While there are many tips and strategies available on the internet that will guide you towards brand awareness, we will focus on presenting you with a model to make your business thrive. Yes, we are talking about the Ansoff model.
What Is The Ansoff Model?
Ansoff model is based on the developer of the growth strategy. Therefore, it can be taken as a tool that one can incorporate as a part of the strategic development of your company. First, however, you must keep in mind that the Ansoff growth matrix is composed of two axes. These two axes are as follows.
● Products:
Here it signifies the products that you currently offer. Moreover, it also includes the new products that you would like to offer in the future.
● The market:
It seeks the answer to only two questions. They are “which market do you serve currently?” And “In the future, which market would you be willing to or likely to serve?”.
Now That We Know The Axes Of The Ansoff Model, Let Us Discuss The Four Growth Strategies That It Purports…
The model provides the four types of growth strategies on this basis. We have written it down as follows.
● Market Penetration
This particular strategy aims to increase sales of the existing products or services in the existing market. In that way, it will increase your market share positively. That is why many businesses create tv channels to increase their brand awareness.
It is one of the methods, or should we say, an active tool to attract customers away from the competitors. In addition to the promotion of the products, one can accomplish such a drive in sales by decreasing price and increasing distribution.
● Market Development
It means an increase in sales of existing products or services in an unexplored niche. Market expansion has always incorporated an analysis of how a company’s already valid offers can be sold in new markets. It is where this particular aspect can come in handy.
● Product Development
The objective of this particular point is to launch the new products and services on the existing markets. Such product developments may even extend a variety of existing offers to garner the attention of the current customers. In that way, they aim to gain an increase in the turnover.
● Diversification
The last of them is diversification, where the company launches new products or services on previously unexplored markets. It is one of the riskiest strategies. That is why you must use multiple promotion methods to reach the targeted audience. For example, if you make them Watch Live TV Channels created by you to increase brand awareness, you might pull it off.
Ending note:
Bawd on the strategies that we have mentioned above and mix them with the ambition to reach new heights of success, you can successfully grow your business.